mini dental implantsCunningham Dental specializes in various aspects of restorative dentistry. In addition to dental implants, we also offer mini implant services to patients looking for solutions to tooth loss.

Mini implants are small titanium dental appliances implanted in the gums. Like regular implants, these are excellent choices for your restorative dentistry needs. Considering these are half the size, mini implants are considerably more affordable and the time it takes to complete treatment is shorter. The procedure isn’t as invasive, and there are no stitches or recovery period required. This is the reason behind its common moniker – teeth in an hour – because you may walk into our clinic in the morning and have the procedure completed within the day.

Restoration using full dental implants is not possible if you’re suffering from excessive bone loss. The opposite is true for mini implants because their size make it easier to place in difficult areas inside the mouth. The procedure is also suited for patients needing only singular tooth replacements. Mini implants are also great ways to remedy problems with existing dentures that are ill-fitting or unstable. These appliances may stabilize your lower arch dentures and rid you of the pains and discomforts linked to its movement and wrong fit.

Schedule a consultation at our Paducah dental care facility today to learn more about mini implants and if it’s the ideal solution for your dental situation. We will conduct a proper assessment to determine if mini implants are what you need.