
9 out of 10 dentist recommend what?

Maybe I’m just not popular enough, but I have never been asked by a toothpaste or gum manufacturer what I recommend.  I keep waiting, just like I’m waiting to get polled on who I’m voting for this year, but the call never comes.  So I’m going to give you guys my list of what I recommend anyways.

Tooth paste – Colgate Total

Tooth brush- Anything ADA approved and with SOFT bristles.

Electric tooth brush- Sonicare.  We recommend that you wait until you get a 20% off coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond, then get one there.

Floss - Oral B Glide Floss

Water flosser- Any Waterpik brand that plugs in.  We don’t recommend the battery powered one.

Gum- Sugar free of course, but anything with xylitol in it is preferred.  Xylitol is a sweetener that has been found to help prevent cavities.

Mouthwash- Any Listerine product.  Alcohol free is preferred, especially for those with a dry mouth.

Tongue scraper- Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner.  This is a product that most people have never heard of, however, it can be very useful for people with coarse or fissured tongues.  Food and bacteria can hide in the papillae of your tongue, causing bad breath, and this product can help to get it out. Check it out here.

Canker sore treatment- Zilactin to help them heal once you get them.  If they last more than 2 weeks you need to see your dentist.  We have a couple of products that can help heal them up faster, as well as advise on how to prevent them.

Candy- Laffy Taffy or soft caramels applied to the tops of teeth every 10 minutes has statistically been proven to increase my kids college fund.  Apply liberally.

If there are any other products that you have questions about, contact us and please let us know!
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